At Friends of Moby Dick, we stand firmly against the practice of whaling in Iceland and we feel deeply appalled and profoundly disheartened by this practice to be still present in Iceland. The decision to allow large-scale whaling is a tragic step backward in the fight to protect our marine life that undermines the progress and decades of growing awareness resulting in proven majority of Icelanders being against whaling.
Whales play a critical role in maintaining marine ecosystems and even contribute to combating climate change. They help regulate the marine food web and support the growth of phytoplankton, which captures vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Protecting whales is not just about saving a species; it is about safeguarding the health of our oceans and, by extension, the future of our planet. They also don't belong to the waters of just one country, these are migratory species and therefore it shall not be up to one country whether they can be hunted, we truly believe that their survival is critical not just for our marine ecosystems but for the health of our planet. Allowing large-scale hunting not only threatens their existence but also the delicate balance of the ecosystems they help sustain and it directly interferes with legacy we leave for future generations.
While we respect cultural histories, no tradition can justify the continued killing of these sentient beings. We believe that this practice no longer represents the values of the people who live in Iceland nowadays or the priorities of a sustainable future and Iceland, with its history of resilience and innovation, can once again lead by example—this time by ending whaling for good and embracing the role of global steward for the ocean's health. We wish for a future in which Iceland could be set as an example for other countries that continue to do whaling and we believe that in a global scale we share the responsibility to protect all marine wildlife.
How to take action?
This fight is not over, and we can all make a difference. If you’re on the same team you can add your voice to the growing group of people demanding an end to whaling by signing the national petition (if you’re in Iceland & have kennitala) the petition can be found HERE or if you’re not in Iceland but would like to join the global support to stop whaling in Iceland you can sign the international petition HERE .
Friends of Moby Dick is committed to actively protecting wildlife and ensuring a future where marine life is celebrated, not hunted. Let us continue to educate, advocate, and act together.
Learn More:
The Value of Whales – National Geographic, why alive whales are worth more
How Whales Help Cool the Earth – NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) A detailed look at the role whales play in fighting climate change by supporting ocean ecosystems and capturing carbon.
The Impact of Whaling on the Ocean Carbon Cycle: Why Bigger Was Better - Plos journals, Andrew J. Pershing , Line B. Christensen, Nicholas R. Record, Graham D. Sherwood, Peter B. Stetson
International Whaling Commission (IWC): Why Whaling Should Be Banned - Information on global efforts to regulate whaling and why preserving whales is a priority for international conservationists.
Whales and Dolphins: Highly Intelligent and Emotional Creatures – Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) A resource highlighting the emotional and cognitive capabilities of whales, reinforcing the ethical argument against whaling.
Laws & Policies: Marine Mammal Protection Act – NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Marine Mammal Protection Act from 1972 responding to increasing concerns among scientists and the public that significant declines in some species of marine mammals are caused by human activities.
The Devastating Impact of Commercial Whaling – WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
How whaling has historically decimated whale populations and why it’s vital to prevent its resurgence.